Author Archives: Jen

Rock A Bye Baby

We all know my son is a busy little boy. Most of the time he won’t sit still and will play as long as you will let  him. But every day before naps and during feedings I get to sit in my glider and just hold him. He lays very still and just gazes up…

Ode To Coffee

For most of my life I just couldn’t understand peoples love of coffee. The taste disgusted me, and I just had no use for it. That is until about 4 years ago when I started drinking it for my wedding diet. It started by forcing myself to drink it in the morning. What started as…

Bye Bye Summer…

I dreamt of summer since the last time it was over, and now that fall has officially started I am forced to start dreaming about summer all over again. Don’t get me wrong, I still like fall, but fall leads quickly into winter and that my dear readers I am already starting to dread. I…

The Double Edged Sword

In our household I am responsible for most things baby. If you think of the stereotypical husband and wife roles, you can think of us. I run the family and home, and he runs the finances. That means that I am in charge of anticipating my son’s needs, and that my friends keeps my brain…

Pocono Weekend Getaway

Before you think…”OMG Jen is holding a gun!”….I will tell you that it’s a bee bee gun and I am shooting at cans (not very well might I add!). ANYWHO! Last weekend The Captain, our little man, our little Tinkerbell and myself hopped in the car and traveled to the Poconos to spend the weekend…

Today I Am Thankful For…

Today I am thankful for my little Tinkerbell, my dog and my best friend. In the picture above she is wearing her “I’m the big sister” shirt I got her when Christian was born. If you think about kid who’s been an only child for 6 years before another sibling comes along you can imagine…

Random Thoughts: Series Finales

I have never been shy in admitting my love for TV. I’m not necessarily proud of it, but that is how I relax at the end of the night. With our son it has been a wee bit harder to keep up on my favorite shows due to lack of “sitting on my butt” time,…

When Opposites Don’t Attract

What is that Paula Abdul song?? Opposites Attract? You know the one…the one where she is dancing with that cat? Well it’s a great and catchy tune, and sometimes I will agree with that statement, but sometimes it couldn’t be farther than from the truth. Sometimes opposites cause tension in relationships, and when that happens…