For most of my life I just couldn’t understand peoples love of coffee. The taste disgusted me, and I just had no use for it. That is until about 4 years ago when I started drinking it for my wedding diet. It started by forcing myself to drink it in the morning. What started as a chore soon became a daily routine. I loved my coffee in the morning! But never before have loved coffee so much as to now, when my mornings are early, and my days are busy. These days coffee is my best friend, and now that I am nursing less I am able to indulge more, and coffee is one of my greatest friends!

I refrained from coffee pretty much through my entire pregnancy since I was worried about how it would affect the baby. I will admit that in my third trimester I did have a few cups here and there, but other than that I stopped cold turkey. Then, when I had Christian I worried about drinking coffee due to the fact that I was nursing, and again didn’t want it to affect the baby. I knew that I could have caffeine in small amounts, but I didn’t want to risk to make a newborn fussy due to coffee. You get enough fussiness without adding to it!

Finally, after a couple of months I gave in and had my wonderful coffee. It was necessary! Sometimes I was just so tired, and I was take a few sips and BAM!! Super Mommy!!! Ok, not really, but coffee certainly gave me the energy I needed to give my son all the attention he deserved. I allowed myself one cup in the morning…it was wonderful…

Then that one cup turned to two. One cup in the morning, then one in the afternoon. Once I realized that it didn’t seem to affect my son, I figured it would be OK. I got my little kick in the morning, then one in the late afternoon. Just enough to keep me going! I even bought a Keurig! That way I could get my cup of coffee even faster! It really is one of the best inventions isn’t it? One cup at a time?? And you can pick which coffee/tea/hot chocolate you want…but I digress…

The bottom line is I love my coffee. I never thought I would be a coffee drinker, but now there is no turning back. I worry about staining my teeth, but a happy and awake mommy is more important! Yay for that and yay for coffee!!!