Story to tell Saturday

/Story to tell Saturday

Story To Tell Saturday:

Today’s Story To Tell Saturday is from Pamela who’s blog is Skin Care In the City . She is a very good bloggy friend of mine, and here she shares her story of her second marriage. Even bad weather wouldn’t bring this party down. Here’s to making the best of every situation! That’s what weddings are […]

By | April 17th, 2010|Story to tell Saturday|2 Comments

Story To Tell Saturday: Note Trail In Pictures

Happy Saturday Everyone!!! These week’s Story To Tell Saturday comes from Mommy Moment   . It is just such a sweet story! And they say romance is dead…to that this husband laughs! Just by reading this you can tell how much he loves his wife and daughters. (men..take notes! You can learn a thing or two from this […]

By | March 20th, 2010|Story to tell Saturday|10 Comments

Story To Tell Saturday: A Pretty Woman Story

This weeks story is from a Twitter friend of mine @PlaiduhPus Who’s blog is of the same name! PlaiduhPus I was so happy when she sent me her story for this weeks Story To Tell Saturday. This story is really about Fate, and how sometimes we all just need someone else to believe in us. Here’s her story… […]

By | March 12th, 2010|Story to tell Saturday|6 Comments

Story To Tell Saturday

aI have been very excited about the response I have been getting for my Story To Tell Series. I love to read about your life, and your marriage too, and I think my readers will agree. The first story I want to share is from Lisa, who’s blog is Waiting Lisa . Lisa is 31 and […]

By | March 6th, 2010|Story to tell Saturday|4 Comments