Tag Archive: First year reflection

The Best of 2011 According To Me

I have decided to take a stroll down memory lane and read up on my posts from last year. It’s crazy to start in January of 2011 and read about my son being only weeks old. I read my thoughts and sometimes have a hard time believing it all happened to me. It seemed so…

Reflections of 2011

I can safely say that 2011 has been the most AMAZING year of my life. It has brought me so much happiness, change, challenges, frustrations, and a love for my son that has made my heart feel bigger then I could’ve ever imagined. On top of that, I have found Captain Awesome to be the…

Look At That Face

I have this picture of my little man in a frame in my room. When I first saw the 3D sonogram pictures I was shocked and amazed. Most of them made him look like Benjamin Button! A little old man! At the time, no pictures stood out, but now, when I look at this one…

Christian’s First Birthday Party

As you all know my little boy turned one recently, and of course we celebrated his first birthday by throwing him party. I think I dreamed about my son’s first birthday since the day he was born, and I just can’t believe it has now come and gone. We chose a Mickey Mouse clubhouse theme…

Breastfeeding: The End

For about 5 months I was the sole provider of nutrition for my son. For over a year I held my son close to me so he could nurse at least once a day. It’s a bond between my son and I that no other person can duplicate. Breastfeeding has been an experience like none…

A Happy Birthday Letter From Da-Da

Dear Christian, I can’t believe that it was about this time one year ago when your mom (a/k/a The Wife) said the scariest words I have ever heard in my life “My Water Just Broke!”  I proceeded to act like a stereotypical male running around packing bags and getting dressed when she informed me we…

Happy 1st Birthday To My Little Man!

One year ago from today, on December first, at 3:23 PM, after 17 hours of labor, my son came into this world. For 9 months this little guy grew in my belly, and I couldn’t wait to meet him. And now, one year later, he is the most amazing little boy a mom could ask…

How Do You Measure A Year?

“525,600 minutes….525000 moments so dear…525600 minutes…how do you measure a year.I love that song from “rent!”! With my son turning one tomorrow I can’t help but to think back to this time last year. How could you not reflect!? For a long time now I have been looking back on old posts, pictures and videos….