Tag Archive: first trimester

Pooh Bear: Week 11

Today marks the beginning of my 11th week of pregnancy. I can’t say that the weeks have been moving any faster, but the good news is that time is in fact moving, and we are closer to the end of this trimester. Gotta see the positives right people? Week 11 means I am just two…

The In Between Stage

As you know I am currently just over 10 weeks pregnant (10 weeks 3days to be exact), and that means my body is constantly changing. It’s odd because little Pooh Bear is so minuscule inside my belly, but the mid section is certainly making some changes. My tummy has always been my problem area. I would…

Pooh Bear: Week Ten

  So today (Tuesday) begins my tenth week of pregnancy. I’d like to say that time has flown, but I would be lying. And I would not like to lie to you my readers. As a matter of fact time seems to be going rather slow. I guess if you consider I got my BFP…

She/He Shall Be Called Pooh Bear

I am a fan of nicknames. I find it endearing and special when someone refers to someone by one. That is why I want to have a special nickname for the little peanut growing inside my belly. But that’s where I got stuck?? What could I call such a special little miracle? I am pretty…

Our Bean is Now a Peanut!

Well dear readers on Monday I was able to let go of another long breath that I was holding for God knows how long…a breath held in with excitement, nervousness, and anxiousness. We finally got to see another picture of our bean! Well I guess our bean is no longer that. It is now a…

Is There a Fastforward Button?

I wrote this post last week. The week before my first appointment. It’s been a VERY long couple of weeks waiting, and I just wanted to write down some of my thoughts. Sometimes in life I wish there was a fast forward button we could hit just to move things along a little quicker. Or maybe…