Tag Archive: motherhood

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

So what happened to my little angel? Where did he go, and when did this little one who throws fits show up? Before you think I’m a bad mom for taking a video of this I’d like to say something in my defense…he wasn’t hurt he was just mad…so I laughed about it. You have…

The Baby Fog

I was reading a post on one of my favorite blogs “The Hollywood Housewife”, and I found a post about her Favorite Newborn Items. The first paragraph of this post really struck home when she described the “fog” a mother of a newborn is in. As I kept reading, and she mentioned more about the…

Our First Big Fall

When my son was born I attempted to make a deal with him. I promised to be the best mommy I could be, and in return I asked for him never to get sick or hurt. We’ve done pretty good on the sick part, but the other day my son broke our contract. Yes my…

How Do You Measure A Year?

“525,600 minutes….525000 moments so dear…525600 minutes…how do you measure a year.I love that song from “rent!”! With my son turning one tomorrow I can’t help but to think back to this time last year. How could you not reflect!? For a long time now I have been looking back on old posts, pictures and videos….

You Do Forget

Before Christian was born  I was terrified of labor, and people used to tell me “don’t worry, you will forget”. To them I said “Ya right!”. Then I went through labor, and although the outcome was the most amazing thing ever, I won’t lie and say that it was anything but traumatic. After that people…

Not So Long Ago

I have already decided that there was no life before my son was here. Because how could it have happened? It seems so far away? Everything before, and most of all since having my son seems like a weird dream. But in reality it all wasn’t that long ago. It wasn’t that long ago that…

Our Night Away

I knew the time had to come where I would leave my little man overnight. The question wasn’t IF, but when that would happen. I have never felt the NEED to get away from him as of yet. It’s true! I do like to have some “me” time, but overall I haven’t felt the urge…

The Condensing Of The Naps…HELP!

Oh boy dear readers I am at a loss. I know these troubles are not ones specifically to me, and that all mother’s go through this, which is why I am reaching out to you for help and suggestions. I am fully aware that any time I get used to a schedule it will change,…