Author Archives: Jen

Breastfeeding: What Is Good For Baby Is Good For Mommy

8 1/2 months in and I am still going strong on the breastfeeding front. I have struggled, I have complained yet I have persevered and now I am entering the home stretch. I wrote a post a little while back about the downsides of breastfeeding, and in that post I complained a bit about some…

Random Thoughts: Party Days of the Past

As I write this post I am watching “Jersey Shore”. Don’t judge me…you know you were watching it too! It’s a train wreck that I can’t help but watch! But I digress….I was watching them get bombed and dance, and I couldn’t help but think about my party past. I may point and laugh at…

Married With Children (Well…Child)

When I started this blog my goal was to talk about my life after being married. I really wanted to be a good wife, and I was excited to take care of my husband and my home. Although I was never the “cleanest” homemaker per say, and have tried to be a cook, I think…

Dear Christian: 8 Months Old

Dear Christian, Oh my little man….I have a feeling that I am going to say this a lot over the years to come, but I can’t help but say it now…I think I’d like to freeze time right now. Thus far, you can’t walk and hurt yourself, you can’t choke because you aren’t eating solid…

Hiring a Professional Baby Proofer

We have inevitably reached the stage where I can no longer turn my back and return to find my son in the same spot. That’s right…our little man is on the move! This means that it is important that we get moving on making our home safe for him. I am learning fast that he…

Getting Christened

I should be thoroughly embarrassed that I am just now writing about my son’s christening which happened almost 2 months ago! It was such a beautiful and special day, and I wanted to take the time to write about it properly. I married a Greek and my son was baptized Greek Orthodox so since I…

Random Thoughts: Wrinkled Sheets

Get your head out of the gutter folks….this random rant really is about wrinkled sheets, and I mean the kind that come out of the dryer! What’s up with that? For my shower I received some really good sheets. You know the kind…high thread count…Egyptian cotton…soft…but no matter what sheets I use they always come…

World Breastfeeding Week: Part 2

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week which is August 1-7th I am looking back on my old breastfeeding posts and remembering how I got to where I am today…going strong at 8 months of nursing. This post about feeling engorged makes me laugh! When the midnight feedings started to go away it was a pain…