Author Archives: Jen

Dear Pooh Bear: 35 Weeks!

Dear Pooh Bear, Well little man, it seems that we have hit 35 weeks! For some reason I have always kept this week as a milestone week for myself. It started when my friend “S” was pregnant and thought she may have to go on bed rest at the hospital, (don’t worry she didn’t) and…

#1 Soon To Be Dad

At our lamaze class we got instructions of what to do during different stages of labor. There were separate sections for the mom, and one for the “coach” or in our case dad (aka Captain Awesome). His job is to do things like “encourage” and “make eye contact”…you know the real hard stuff of labor….

My Pennsylvania Baby Shower

As you may or may not know I am originally from Pennsylvania. That is where my family is, and many times if you ask me where I live I will say I live in NY, but clarify that I’m FROM Pennsylvania. That is why it just made sense to have two baby showers. One in…

My Diaper Bag

These days I can’t make a decision to save my life. Even the smallest little decisions like what I want to eat. It’s pretty pathetic, but for some reason, one decision that was easy for me to make was which diaper bag I wanted. I can’t really say why that is, it just is….and I…

Dear Pooh Bear: 34 Weeks!

Dear Pooh Bear, Happy 34 weeks little one! There isn’t much longer now! As a matter of fact, this past weekend we were in Pennsylvania for our baby shower there with your Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Kelly and Uncle John Paul, and when we left we knew it would be the last time we were seeing…

Happy Birthday Tinkerbell!

On Saturday October 30, 2010 our little Tinkerbell turned 6 years old! She is such a mature middle aged woman now, but she will always be my baby. Last year I wrote an “Ode To Tinkerbell” and figured I said it all best then, so I might as well repost that one to honor her…

Our First Lamaze Class

I am the type of person who likes to research things to death, and I tend to probably know too much on subjects that I’m better off ignorant. I learned a lot while Trying to Conceive, and I did the same through out this pregnancy. Now that we are coming to the end of the…

Separate Beds…

Our townhouse has 2 bedrooms. The first is obviously our master bedroom, and the second, up until now, has been used as a guest room. Wait…that’s not entirely true. Yes, it is a guest room, but the majority of the time that room is set aside as a wonderful place where either The Captain or…