Author Archives: Jen

Stuffed and Satisfied!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I know I certainly did! This past weekend was the 4th weekend in a row that I found myself traveling, but it was totally worth it! I enjoyed great food, and great family time.  I am certainly stuffed and satisfied! Thanksgiving is one holiday that both me…

Giving Thanks: What Are You Thankful For?

  There are a lot of things in this world that makes us sad, angry or frustrated. Sometimes you find yourself wallowing in self pity wondering why the universe has forgotten you…or sometimes you think there is no one out there in the world sadder than you are right now…but sometimes, when we feel this…

Saw New Moon! LOVED It!

The day has finally come…The waiting and the obsessing has finally paid off…New Moon came out into theaters this past weekend! Woo hooo! (no need to judge…I’m not ashamed of my love for these stories) And to put it simply…It was AWESOME!  I am dying to go see it for a second time! I was…

Things I Love Thursday: Humidifiers!

The weather is turning colder here in the north east, and we have had our heat turned of for at least the last month. Once the heat is turned on the air becomes extremely dry…and in turn so does my skin. Attractive right? My skin becomes dry, my boogers become dry (gross but come on you know…

How Fun Is This Site? Loving Polyvore!

Ok all you fashionistas! I found a wonderful site! (warning it can be addicting) The site is called Polyvore, and the site is super fun for those who like shopping online. Personally, I am not a huge online shopper because I hate not knowing how something looks when it actually is on me. But after…

Pale Faced Monster

I came to a really rough realization today….ladies you may relate, and men you just don’t have to (whether that is fair or not is another story). After looking at a bunch of recent pictures of myself I have come to find that I have reached that point in my life where it is necessary…

Twas The Month Before Christmas…

 I just received this little poem in a forward from my mom, and I wanted to share.(I’d love to credit someone for writing it but there was no name!) When I was growing up I must admit that I lived in a sheltered area.  Everyone seemed to be Christian, I had no idea what ethnic background my friends…

Babies OFF the Brain

 Well…another month down the drain…no July baby for us. As I sat and wallowed in self pity for a little while, a little light bulb went off in my head. This past month we tried almost everything we could to time it right…I took control of almost everything I could….counted days, used OPK’s, drank grapefruit…