Author Archives: Jen

Do We Ever Have Enough Room?

I am only at the 23 week mark, and as I look around our 2 bedroom townhouse thinking about where all the baby stuff is going to go I begin to panic. How will it all fit? Where will it all go? But then I think of the people who raise families in little apartment…

The Bad Wife

Since I have been pregnant it seems that I have been neglecting my wifely duties. It started in the beginning when most foods other than cereal and fruit grossed me out, therefore cooking was a huge challenge. Then farther into the first trimester I was just so exhausted that by the end of the day…

Dear Pooh Bear: 23 Weeks

Dear Pooh Bear, Happy 23 weeks little one! You are getting so big! Word on the street is that you weigh about 1 lb these days! How exciting! Before you know it, you will already be bigger that your big “sister” Tinkerbell! (3.5 lbs) We got to see you again last week, which was both…

Things I Love Thursday: Strong Yoga4Pregnancy Plus a Giveaway!

  We have a winner! The winner will be contacted and sent a copy of the Strong Yoga 4 Pregnancy DVD! Thank you to all who entered!!!   With pregnancy comes a lot of stress, and since the pregnancy no no’s pretty much don’t allow me to indulge in my normal stress relievers (ie…herbal tea,…

Our Fetal Echo

In today’s world there is amazing technology to help you throughout your pregnancy. Sometimes I am left to wonder whether or not the technology just exists to give pregnant women anxiety. When everything is going as planned, my vote goes to the fact that it is helpful and gives you a piece of mind. Same…

Blogher Conference Overview

  Last week I successfully attended my very FIRST blogging conference. Well, successfully may be a bit premature, but I did attend Blogher 2010. I have mixed reviews of the entire event, but mostly I found it to be an enjoyable experience. I was happy that I chose only to attend one day, since I…

BlogHer Day 1!

Well tonight (Thursday) I went to my first Blogher 2010 party! It was hosted by AOL and I was so happy to be invited! It was a great event and I got to meet some wonderful bloggers.  I gotta tell ya that it’s very scary going to these things alone…especially as a newbie! But I really think…

BlogHer 2010 Conference

Well dear readers the time has come for After The Alter to hit the big time. What does that mean? Well this little lady will be attending her FIRST Blog Conference on Friday!! YAY!! Ok, I think I exaggerated there. In reality I will be a VERY little fish in a VERY big pond at…