Author Archives: Jen

Enjoy Him

From the moment you tell people you are pregnant people tend to give you lots of advice whether you want it or not. Some of its useful, but most you are left smiling, saying thank you, and moving on. But through it all there has been one piece that I have done my best to…

Kolcraft: Playing With Wally Wonderbug

As a “Kolcraft Mom” I get updates regularly about new products that Kolcraft will soon be offering. The most recent update was for a great little activity center that they like to call Wally Wonderbug ($69.99)! Not only did I get to hear about this product, but Kolcraft was nice enough to send me one…

The Assistant Position

It has been 7 weeks since our little Christian blessed us with his presence, and thus far Captain Awesome has yet to change 1 diaper. Yes, you read that correctly…7 weeks and no poopy diapers for daddy. He always said that he didn’t want to change diapers, and I always told him that he HAD…

Breastfeeding: Our First Very Bad Day

I wrote this a few weeks ago after a rough day with our little man. As a breastfeeding mom I am constantly on demand for my son. It was something I knew about when I decided to breastfeed, but knowing about something and living it are two different things. Infants feed at least every 3…

Breastfeeding: The Pump

I have always known that I wanted to pump along with Breastfeeding. It really is the only way to for the mom to leave the baby for more than 3 hours. Which sometimes is necessary for sanity. What I didn’t know was how confusing I would find it. I originally thought I would start pumping…

Doctor Withdrawl

When you are pregnant you have many a doctor appointments scheduled. Each week ticks by and you just wait to go to that appointment just so you can hear that little heartbeat, or see a sonogram, and just know that the little one inside is still growing strong. Then, you have your baby and BAM!…

My Schedule is No Schedule At All!

Before having a baby I always respected my friends who have kids when it came time to make plans. I knew it was more difficult to get ready, so I always tried to plan around them. I always thought I understood how hard it was, but in reality I had no clue! Now that I…

Our First Road Trip!

With my family living out of state it was inevitable that we would soon need to take our first road trip with little Christian. I hated the fact that I had this new precious miracle in my life and I had to wait to bring him to visit Grandma and Grandpa in PA, but his…