Although my life has been in absolute chaos these last few months I knew that no matter what the holiday season had to be made special for my little man. At two years old it’s not like he knows much about traditions or even what he should hope the holiday to be, but being a total Christmas girl I need to make the season as perfect as it can be. A while ago (pre baby) I wrote a post about the magic being gone out of the holidays now that I was an adult. It’s not like I didn’t try, but it just wasn’t the same. But now it’s different. Now I get to experience the holidays through the eyes of a child, and the magic is back. To me there is nothing more fantastic than the Christmas holiday. How do you beat Santa, elves, presents, and Christmas magic all during a 30 day period? You don’t! And now I get to bring it all to my son…and I promise you I will!

If you know me you know I take Christmas VERY seriously. Christmas music is played in the car starting after Thanksgiving. We get a REAL tree and we cut it down (except for this year but that’s a very long story, and we at least got to cut the tree down with my family in PA…but I digress). Picking out our families Christmas stockings took a few weeks because they had to be “just right”, and now that my son is older I get to add even more traditions into the mix. Have you heard of Elf on the Shelf? Ummmm AMAZING! It doesn’t get much more magical than an elf who watches you all day and reports to Santa only to end up in a new spot to be found in the morning! FUN! I think the parents have more fun than the kids, but even though my son doesn’t totally get it, we get up every morning and find our elf…Sir Smiley!

My son is in love with Christmas lights. We have to keep the tree lit all day, and he pulls me to sit on the couch in front of it and we just watch. We talk about the colors and he pulls off more ornaments than he puts back on, but it’s so fun. This year we got to enjoy going to a night time Winter Wonderland with friends where there were lights, Santa and a ride on train. He loved it. The following day was Breakfast with Santa. Both days the little man went right up to Santa to tell him he wanted “cars” for Christmas. He then proceeded to try to pull Santa to get his cars right then and there. Just adorable.

There is nothing like watching Christmas magic through a child’s eyes and I am so happy I get to experience it more and more each year. There is only a small window that you get where your child truly believes (I hope my window is longer than most since I “believed” for a LONG time”). I plan to enjoy every moment.

So I get to spread my Christmas cheer to my son. My mom (who is still a Christmas girl at heart) gave it to me, and I will do the same. This is the most wonderful time of the year, and I can’t wait to sit back and take it all in!