image After the Alter is a blog about my "life after the alter" meaning after being married, and the changes that go with it. I love being married, and here I share stories of my life as I learn how to be the best wife I can be and all my crazy thoughts along the way.

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Things I Love!

Let’s Split the Bill…

My husband cringed when he saw the title of this post. He HATES when I talk about this stuff, but I say this is my blog and I can talk about what I want. I have said it before and I will say it again. I am a frugal person. I make efforts to save […]

What Am I Reading?

I am a very avid reader (if by avid you mean reading about a chapter at night before bed), and I love books. I always have. My book club failed, and I was bummed about that because it started to force me to get out of my reading comfort zone, and try different types of […]

There is no such thing as Global Warming

I know that I will get some environmentalist upset by this title, so I will apologize in advance. I think I am just very angry by the fact that it’s April 21st, and it’s COLD! I mean, it’s almost winter weather cold. I find this to be pretty unacceptable. Living in the North East, I […]


Although I’ve seen this advertised, I’d like to give Frugal Rhode Island Mamma a shout out for giving me an advanced heads up on these great deals! It’s a great blog! Check it out!

Tuesday,April 21st is FREE CONE DAY at participating Ben and Jerry’s! Around the world, Scoop Shops are opening their doors from noon to 8:00 […]


I must start off this post by saying that I have to give credit to some friends who told me about this perfect name for Greek Easter. I’m sure they aren’t the first people to come up with the name but I liked it! Thanks!

I grew up in a Catholic household. My dad was brought […]

It’s 5 O’clock Somewhere!

All through college my favorite time of the week was at 4 o’clock on Friday……The start of Happy Hour! It was wonderful, great friends, great music, and great beer. My love for happy hour continued post college, but it seemed that my friends didn’t love it as much as I did, and over time I […]

Getting Fired…

For those that know me well, they can attest to the fact that I just can’t keep my big mouth shut. I ask a lot of questions, and I make sure that I am not ignored. This goes for pretty much every aspect of my life. Especially when it comes to things I am passionate […]

Porn…The downfall of marriage??

This post was inspired by a few of the blogs that I read Daily. The latest is from the blog To Love Honor and Vacuum. I follow this blog everyday! Check it out!

I tried to think of a catchy title for this post, but decided that simply put I want to talk about Porn. I […]

Things I Love Thursday! : Evening Walks

So like last week I am going to participate in The Diaper Diaries Things I Love Thursday! I enjoyed sharing last week about my love for Pet Photography, and I think this is a great opportunity for me to share about the things that make me happy. This week’s thing is something so small, and […]

Store Brand Vs. Name Brand

Most will tell you that I am a very frugal person, and some will flat out call me cheap. That’s fine, I can take it and embrace it. Name brands don’t normally impress me when it comes to clothing (ok sometimes they do), but when it comes to household products and groceries, I find myself […]