image After the Alter is a blog about my "life after the alter" meaning after being married, and the changes that go with it. I love being married, and here I share stories of my life as I learn how to be the best wife I can be and all my crazy thoughts along the way.

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Things I Love!

Sexy and Soft Under Things

 In today’s world women are all about comfort….and why not? We are all so busy, and wear so many hats that it important to be practical in what we wear during the day. Sweat pants become a fixture on the weekends while we clean and run errands…and Jeans fill our our wardrobe when we get […]

Sleep Walker…

I do many quirky things. I can admit that….sort of! Most of the time I am conscious of these idiosynchrosis, but the odd and somewhat scary thing is, that for one of these quirks I have no idea what I am doing!? This one particular thing leaves me confused in places around the house and scared of […]

Wedding Season Begins!

The word summer means many things to me. Warm days, pools, beaches, swimming….and now…Weddings! I am 28 (soon to be 29) and I guess this summer marks the summer where many of my friends are getting married. This means, showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, rehearsal dinners and the wedding itself….Wedding Season Begins!

Between January and September I have […]

Why Don’t Companies Want My Business??

I am a business woman. I expanded my Dad’s company to a whole different state. I am a saleswoman. And how did I do all this? By being humble and giving my customers great customer service. It’s something we actually boast about. Most of my customers are my customers because they like me, and I like it […]

Wine Club: Volume II

 Our second stab at our girls “wine club*” was a success. Eight women came over to my house (perfect number), and we celebrated Cinco De Mayo by indulging in wines from Chile. When I say indulge I mean drank too much wine, in a short period of time, but had a complete blast!

Wine club was […]

Get Inspired! Little ways to decrease your carbon footprint

I figured that since everyone else was talking about the environment last week, since last week was Earth Day, that I would be original and give my thoughts this week. I have never been environmentally conscious, (I know I know I am awful) but after watching all the specials for Earth Day, I am a changed […]

Things I Love Thursday!: Olay Body Wash Plus Tone Enriching Ribbons

This week I wanted to participate in The Diaper Diaries Things I love Thursday event. I enjoy it because I get to share items/and things I love, and in return get connected to other bloggers out there sharing what they love. This way, we are all one big happy family! This week I want to […]

The Sergeant Comes For A Visit

I love my mom. She has so many roles in my life. Mom, Friend, Cheerleader, Co Worker and sometimes MAID! My mom came into town to visit for a few days. With our very busy schedules it’s been hard to set a time for her to visit me at my house. (I get to PA […]

The Eight List: I’ve been tagged! You May Be Next!

I was tagged by Confessions of  Moody Mommy! I love participating in these things! I hope you enjoy my list!

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:

Extending my Family
On short term: Warm Weather/Summer
Finding my dream home
Vacations with my husband/family
Getting more readers on my blog
Expanding my business
All future hostessing experiences:)
All the exciting things left to come in […]

Let’s get physical

I have many archenemy’s in this world. Most of them consist of inanimate objects or scary bugs such as Bee’s. I have come to terms with the fact that I will not get along with all things in life, but this acceptance was/is a long road. It took many years and a lot of money, […]