I hope you all had a FANTASTIC Thanksgiving! I hope that you stuffed your face till you couldn’t breath, and most of all reflected on all the things that you can be thankful for. I know that I certainly did! As a matter of fact we got to celebrate Thanksgiving two times! How lucky are we!? That’s right…The Captain, our little man and I celebrated Thanksgiving on 2 different days with both of our families. We covered all of our bases and got extra turkey for our time. What a perfect way to celebrate the holiday and give thanks for all we have.

A lot of people ask me…”how do you split up the holiday?”. I am sure many of you can relate that holiday times can be stressful due to trying to make everyone in your life happy. I actually felt very little stress this Thanksgiving because everything has been settled and I think everyone got what they wanted. Best of all I got to share the day with my little man for the first time.

Here’s how we split it. On Thursday..actual Thanksgiving…we go to my in laws house and celebrate Thanksgiving with them. For those that don’t know they live 5 minutes away. We spent the entire day with most of Captain Awesome’s immediate family and got some great quality time in with them. Then, on Friday morning we hopped in the car to travel to PA to spend the weekend with my family. My family then celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday. To me, it’s not about what day you spend together, its that you find the time to spend that day. So, I felt very blessed that both my brother and sister came to my parents house so that we all could be together. I always love to have us all under one roof again. It certainly makes for some good laughs!

Last year I wasn’t able to travel to PA due to the fact that my son was due a few weeks later…who would’ve thought he would’ve surprised me 6 days later!? But that’s for another post. I was just so happy to be able to celebrate with both families so that everyone could be together. Like I said…stress free! Now that’s how the holidays should be!

Happy Thanksgiving! What did you do?