Last night I was sitting outside on a friends deck, and realized how wonderful it was that it was still light out well into the evening. Just that fact alone made me smile. I am so happy and so excited for the longer days of spring and summer. It’s amazing how much more alive I feel when it’s not dark at 4:00 in the afternoon!
Does anyone really know why we have to have daylight savings time anyway? Do we have to have shorter days in the winter just so we can have longer days in the summer? Is that how it works? What would happen if we just let time be, and work itself out? Am I wrong?
I can’t decide yet if I would trade in an hour in the summer just so it could stay lighter longer in the winter. I mean, I doubt I would be going out anyway in the cold. Plus, I love those evenings in the summer when I get to just sit outside and enjoy the daylight till at least 7:00.
So what do you think? Do we like daylight savings time?? Does the longer hours in the summer make up for the dreary shorter days in the winter?
I *think* it started for the farmers and harvest/planting season??? No clue.
I really do hate losing that hour though. I really dont understand why we’re still on it, and other countries (and I think a few states) dont even follow it.
Benjamin Franklin came up with the idea.
The main purpose of Daylight Saving Time is to make better use of daylight. Other countries have different change dates. It doesn’t apply to countries near the equator (as their days/nights are pretty equal in hours). People like having the chance to do more in the daylight. Anecdotal data shows that energy conservation is another plus to daylights savings. Also it is supposed to help the economy as people shop more/spend more.
Recently the DST time was pushed to the first Sunday in November because it was theorized that this would get the US a bigger voter turnout.
An added benefit that was theorized (and pushed for by candy manufacturers) was that it would be safer for kids to Trick or Treat because they would have more hours of daylight. It seems to have had little affect on kids’ habits as they just wait till it gets dark to go out.
Most crimes happen at night so some argue that longer days help the crime rates drop.
Personally I love having the extra daylight…that being said I do not enjoy that my sleeping disorders are exasperated by the change ?
but those longer hours are just 1/2 the year? The other half gets shorter. Do they figure it’s just better to have the longer days in the warmer weather?
Some refer to DST as ‘Summer Time’ for that exact reason. I guess they figured it was better to do for the warmer seasons.
Also the days appear shorter during the Winter but they are really just normal. Maybe I will move to the Tropics ?
We’re lucky here in Arizona. We don’t have Daylight Savings Time. Yes, it stays brighter longer in the summer. But I’m just glad we don’t have to worry about changing our clocks. I would HATE that.
I did not know that! Do television show times change?
I wrote a post about this one time too. I think it’s so backwards!! Anyway thanks for stopping by my blog. I don’t know how to help you find me on blogfrog lol!!! Oh and your blog is so cute – I love it!!
well if you want my blog frog widget says visit my community, so if you join I can follow you back! ?
I was literally JUST talking to my husband saying the same exact thing…. Light Day Longs! like the pantyliners… LOL
I really don’t get daylight savings time. I can’t decide if we should get rid of it, though.