The other day I looked up at my parents fridge to see my save the date magnet for my wedding. It made me smile, and as I looked closer I saw the year….2008. WHAT!? Could it be? Did I really get married that long ago? Although I feel like I have been married for a while, when I actually think of the time that has gone by I am shocked. Then, I started to think about all the time that I put into the planning of the wedding. I loved every second of it, and am proud to say that I would ALMOST do everything exactly the same if I got to do it again.

I think if someone was willing to pay for it I would have a wedding every year. I would get to wear a big pretty dress and have everyone cheer for me when I came into the room. Who wouldn’t want that? But I can think of a few things that I may do differently. Let’s start with the wedding invitation cards. Although I agree that they set the tone for the wedding, I don’t think I would do the pocket style again. It was just too much work, and I don’t think anyone really noticed the effort that went into them. I think that’s a main point…a lot of people didn’t notice the little things I did…I probably wouldn’t pay for napkins with my name on them, and did anyone really care about the little jewels I glued onto each and every place card?

I planned the entire day to a T! I think that’s just my personality. I’d like to say that I would relax more if I did it again, but let’s face it. I wouldn’t. I put my all into every detail of my son’s first birthday party. It’s just my nature. The bottom line is that it was an amazing and perfect day. I loved taking some time to think about it again. With my little man taking up my entire life these days it’s nice to remember where our family began. We are just an old married couple….lol….with many more years ahead of us!