Dear Christian,

I will probably say this every week and the months after that, but I can’t believe that you have already been in our lives for 2 weeks! It truly is unbelievable what a miracle you are, and I am thankful for you every day. You have grown so much already little guy!

Yesterday we went back to the pediatrician to check your weight again, and they confirmed what I already knew. You are growing like a champ! You went from 7 lbs 7 oz…to 8 lbs 3 oz! That means that you are taking to breastfeeding well and doing what you are supposed to do…get bigger! The doctor answered my long list of questions without flinching or making me feel silly. I think we are going to like your doctors. As a new mom I am completely lost, and it’s nice to feel comfortable calling or asking questions whenever I need to. I mean geez…there is no instruction manual that they give you when leaving the hospital. It’s kind of a learn as you go thing!

This may embarrass you later but boy do you love to poop! I know this doesn’t surprise anyone else who has children, but it’s a whole new experience for me. Yesterday before your 1:30 doctors appointment you were already in outfit number 3! You pooped and peed all over the previous 2! Personally, I think you are testing me…but that’s ok…I think  passed!

Your Grandma left us yesterday after staying for almost two weeks. Although I will truly miss her help, I know that I have to learn to take care of you on my own. So now it’s just you, me  your daddy and Tink (although she isn’t much help). I think we will all do just fine. I’m not worried about taking care of you (even though it’s sometimes frightening), it’s more that I need to figure out how to take care of you, myself, your daddy, Tink and our home. It’s amazing how much STUFF accumulates to make the house look messy, and how much laundry needs to be done. I also really need to get on your dad to help by not leaving his towels and clothes on the floor every day, and other stuff just thrown around. I think just that little help would be big.

As of today my 2 week driving ban has been lifted…but with it being so cold I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere. Although it’s good to have a winter baby because it’s easy to hibernate…it’s also hard because it’s just so cold to even take out you for a walk! I also need to get the hang of the infant carrier before I venture out on my own. For now that has been daddy’s job…I guess it’s time to learn.

I will regret telling you this in the future, but thus far you really are a good baby (as far as I know anyway). You eat, sleep, and poop like you are supposed to, with very little fussing in between. I am hoping that by writing it down I didn’t jinx everything, but I did have to give you some credit.

Well little guy there isn’t much new to report. Things are going well, and I hope they continue that way….I am sure we are in store for some big adventures in the future.

Love, Mommy