Dear Christian,

Look at how big you are getting my little boy! Soon, you will be bigger then that bear! You see how you are smiling in that picture? That is a smile I see from you almost all day long. People ask me all the time “is he always that happy?”, and I am always proud and happy to reply with a YES!

You are getting to be a tall boy! You don’t get that from me or your daddy that’s for sure! At 30 1/4” you are in the 90%! You weigh 20.8 lbs. What has happened to my little chunkamonk? You are getting so tall and lean!

You got your first little tooth little man! I feel like it was working its way up for a long time in there, but it finally broke through! You are toothless no more!

You are officially cruising on everything in the house. Your favorite thing to play with is this large fisher price house. The door opens and closes and you love listening to it talk to you as you push and move each part. .Other than you love to play with anything you shouldn’t. No matter how many toys you have you choose to eat shoes, wires, and remote controls. Go figure!

You are getting such a little personality! I love that you react to my faces and laugh at my stories. You even tell me a bunch of stories yourself! One of my favorite things are your kisses. You open your mouth wide and lean in for a big smooch. It is the best feeling in the world when I pick you up from your crib and get a big kiss. You certainly have your mommy wrapped around your finger.

I love you so much little man. I can’t believe we are getting so close to that one year mark. You make me smile every day, and I can’t wait to see what adventures we have in store for us next.