buy buy baby

The other day I took a trip to Buy Buy Baby to get my son some insulated sippy cups, but had been putting it off because every time I go in there I leave spending a fortune. I psyched myself up, and told myself that I COULD go in there and buy only what I needed. So I went in, picked up the cup I needed, and instead of turning to check out right away I strayed…I started to wander around the store. That is always where things start to go wrong. But something was different this time. As I walked around I realized…..I don’t need ANYTHING! Was I outgrowing Buy Buy Baby?

I strolled past the infant clothes…nope…don’t need that. Then I saw all the summer/seasonal items. I thought “man am I screwed!”…but no….I had all I needed?? No need for bottles or pacifiers, and I had all the bowls, forks and spoons I needed. I got the sippy cup I wanted and moved on.

I passed the clothes, but am all set, and reached the bath section. We have all the bath stuff we need, and to be honest, if I need soap or anything like that I can buy that at any other store. Then I passed the diapers and food…yet again….things I can get anywhere!

Past the pack and plays and swings…nope! Toys! There could be a bit of trouble, but so many of the toys are baby toys (which we have too many of). Strollers? Nope! Stroller accessories? Nope!

After successfully navigating through the downstairs I wandered upstairs. I didn’t need bedding, furniture, sheets….NOTHING! How could this be?

As I went to check out I was kind of sad. I remembered how excited I was to register for all the baby stuff. I was at such a loss! Then after the baby I felt I went there every week. There was so much I needed that I didn’t even know I needed…or wanted! That was the beauty of the store. So many magical items out there that could maybe make my life as a mom easier?? YES PLEASE! Now it seems I have what I need. All the gadgets and gizmos have already been bought…

So is it possible to not need to shop there anymore? Can one REALLY outgrow a store such as that? Is it OK to be sad?