
I am kind of a girly girl. I am not into sports, I hate being dirty, I don’t sweat, and to be honest I really don’t love the outdoors. Camping for me meant sleeping in my parents conversion van on the seat that turned into a bed. I still consider that roughing it! Now that I have a little boy I am learning pretty quickly that I am going to need to change my tune. My son LOVES rocks, dirt and the outdoors. It doesn’t look like that’s going to change, and being that he’s a little boy it’s rather appropriate. I guess that means I have no choice but to get on board with it right?

I am the one with my son day in and day out. I am the one that decides what activities we do, and I decide how we spend our time. That is my role as his mom. But I have no idea how to play with boys. Dolls and princesses? I get. Trucks, cars and rocks? Not so much.

I try. I really do. I promote the rock gathering and turn a blind eye to the dirt. I actually find it amusing. But as time goes on I think I am going to need to nurture his “boy” side even more. I may need to learn to enjoy hikes, and throwing balls. Yes he will have friends, and of course his daddy to do these things. But for now, 5 days a week it’s just me (and our mommy and me classes).

I don’t want to be the mom that always gets left behind when the men do “boy stuff’. I like sporting events, and want to always be a part of it. Does he need “man”/”daddy” time? Of course! But now that I have a boy I too need to learn to like the outdoors.

I am not saying I am ready to sign up for camping just yet. Will I ever be? I am not so sure. I already told Captain Awesome that camping may need to be all on him. We’ll see..only time will tell. But I do need to jump out of my comfort zone a bit and get my hands dirty.

That’s what mom’s of boys do right?