I will openly admit that I really have a good baby (although I will deny, deny, deny, when he gets older). I am certainly one lucky momma, and I count my blessings every day. I hope this continues! Our son really only cries when he is hungry…I guess that’s where he gets his Buddha belly….and will fuss when he is tired but other than that he is very good natured and laid back. Another thing that will make him fuss a bit is when he is tired of being held. Yes, I have a baby that sometimes prefers to just be left alone. I like that he’s independent…but isn’t it too early for me to not be needed?

I joke! I actually kind of like that he is happy just laying on the floor himself sometimes. He is a good mix, because many times he likes to cuddle with his mom…but if I put him down he is usually just as happy. This gives mommy time to do other things. I hear from other mom’s things like “I don’t even have time to shower”, or “my baby cries if I put him/her down”, but that’s just not the case with our little man. As a matter of fact, when I shower I lay him on a soft mat in the bathroom and he is so happy to just lay there. Bonus for me!

I am very curious to see what happens as he gets older. The Captain and I are praying for a social baby. One that loves to be held by people, and doesn’t shy on mommy’s leg. Will we get that? Who knows, but I will do what I can to socialize our little man. For now we can just watch and see what happens.

I say all this, but I will admit that I do want somewhat of a momma’s boy…what mom doesn’t right? I want to cuddle and get hugs and kisses as long as possible. They say most boys are momma’s boys though. I will just hope Christian will be an independent little man, that still loves mommy’s lap. Not too much to ask for right?