I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I have been blessed with a very good baby. Of course he has his good days and bad days, but overall he has a good disposition, and is a happy boy. Although most of the time this is wonderful, I have to admit that sometimes it poses a bit of a problem. The problem is that I think we expect too much out of the little guy. Myself, The Captain, and family and friends all forget that he’s only 4 months old. Like everything else in life…every cause has an effect…and usually the one that is effected the most is me…

I do my best to not be so stuck in a “schedule” that I become inflexible, but I have to admit that it’s difficult. I never understood women who were so set on their kid’s bed time, and I never understood why they seemed so rigid in their schedules…that is until now. Now I realize that babies like schedules. They are happier, and more content when their parents keep them to one. And when things change up..they get upset, and when they get upset..it is left for mommy to deal with it.

I sometimes think that family, friends and The Captain forget that life has to change now that a baby is here. Babies are not meant to be in nice restaurants, and at this point, Christian isn’t really meant to be in many restaurants at all. Especially not at dinner time.  I too forgot for a little while because our little man just slept while at the restaurants, but now that he is more alert, the more he wants to be a part of the conversation. He certainly doesn’t want to be in his carrier, and that means it’s left up to mom to hold him and make sure he is occupied. To be honest that is not fun for me at all. Yes, Captain Awesome and others offer to hold him..but that doesn’t mean I get to relax. On the contrary. I worry even more because let’s be honest…I can probably calm him down better than anyone else. And just because he isn’t in my arms doesn’t mean I am not on edge if he cries. All that equals no fun for mom…

When my mom was here visiting we went on a marathon shopping day with the little man. We had the best time, but we were out all day. That meant naps in the carrier and a bottle instead of the breast. Bottom line..just different for Christian. What happened at bed time that day? A disaster. The poor guy was over tired, and cried. It certainly made for a hectic bed time for both me and him.

So how as a mom do I minimize the cause and effect that happens with changes in schedules, but not create a child that can’t stray from his schedule at all? How do I balance what I think is right vs. what The Captain wants? How do I make others realize that I need to think of the baby first before them, with out them thinking me to be crazy?  How do you decide?