random thoughts

/random thoughts

Random Thoughts: Series Finales

I have never been shy in admitting my love for TV. I’m not necessarily proud of it, but that is how I relax at the end of the night. With our son it has been a wee bit harder to keep up on my favorite shows due to lack of “sitting on my butt” time, […]

By | September 15th, 2011|random thoughts|0 Comments

Random Thoughts: Wrinkled Sheets

Get your head out of the gutter folks….this random rant really is about wrinkled sheets, and I mean the kind that come out of the dryer! What’s up with that? For my shower I received some really good sheets. You know the kind…high thread count…Egyptian cotton…soft…but no matter what sheets I use they always come […]

By | August 3rd, 2011|random thoughts|2 Comments

Random Thoughts: The Pain of Being Beautiful

Why is it that men can rock a gut and feel sexy and women are always left feeling fat? Women do everything in their power to better their physical appearance daily. Whether it’s a push up bra, dying their hair, getting waxed, wearing high heels, or wearing body shapers, most of the time the things […]

By | June 20th, 2011|random thoughts|5 Comments