Monthly Archives: December 2009


2000-2010: A Decade of Growing Up!

I’m not sure why it’s hitting me so hard this year that a decade has passed. Although each decade before brought on tons of changes, I don’t think I have ever sat back and really thought about it. So today, as I was was reading over my post about New Year’s past, I allowed myself […]

By | December 31st, 2009|About me, holidays|14 Comments

Visiting New Years Past

This year The Captain and I will be celebrating our 10th New Years Eve together! That will be a decade of New years! I decided to get nostalgic and look through old albums. Sometimes I forget we’ve been together so long! I guess over time the years blend together, but it was fun to look back on some […]

By | December 30th, 2009|About me, holidays|11 Comments

Best Blog Posts of 2009

With the decade quickly coming to a close, I decided it might be nice to participate in Scary Mommy’s Best of 2009 Blog Posts. I thought it would give me a great opportunity to look back through my posts and share with you the ones that I think really stand out among the rest. I started […]

By | December 28th, 2009|blogging|7 Comments

2009: Year In Review

  I would say that 2009 wasn’t the best year…but as I think more about it, I realize that it had some of the best of times, and some of the worst of times. It’s funny that so many things could fit into one year. How could a year that started out so amazing…plummet in […]

By | December 28th, 2009|About me|9 Comments

Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Merry Christmas from After The Alter! I hope you and your family have the very best day! Today I will be opening presents, eating lots of food, drinking lots of wine and enjoying family and friends. Probably will watch “A Christmas Story” 3 times over the course of the day, but what is Christmas day […]

By | December 25th, 2009|holidays|3 Comments