She Said….

Did  you know that September is/was Pleasure your mate month? No? Me neither! But it is! Now get your mind out of the gutter, because it’s a “Hallmark Holiday” to remember to celebrate your loved one.  Being that my blog’s original focus is on my life as a wife, I thought it would be a good fit when 1800 Flowers contacted me, and asked that I participate in celebrating this month.

The plan was that I would send Captain Awesome something from 1800 Flowers, and in return he would send me something! Yippee I love gifts! It’s sad that it takes my blog to push us into getting eachother thoughtful “just because” things, but at least we were doing it. For my gift, I decided to send The Captain Cheryl&Co’s Buttercream Frosted Brownies! I knew I couldn’t go wrong sending him chocolate! I also had them sent to his work which I thought was fun! I also got a chance to try the Brownies (he was nice and shared with his pregnant wife) and they tasted AMAZING! So rich and wonderful!

The Captain sent me beautiful flowers. I love when the florist rings my doorbell! Here’s the bouquet I got!

Flowers always make me smile and I wish I got them more often (Hint…Hint) I wish I could have fresh flowers on my table at all times, but I know that just gets way too expensive.  But when I do get them I love them. These particular flowers have been on my table for over a week which I think is a pretty great lifespan for cut flowers!

All in all working with 1800 flowers was a good experience and I loved the products that we chose. It really is important to do some something special for your loved ones without having to once in a while. Doing this made me smile…both giving and receiving.

He Said…

When The Wife asked me if I appreciated her and wanted to pleasure her…the mind went right to dirty not-blog appropriate things.  However, once she explained what actually she meant I said of course! Since I knew she loved flowers I jumped on the chance to send her some.  I was surprised how quickly the flowers arrived, and more importantly how long they have stayed alive and smelling nice on our kitchen table. Do you know how frustrating it is for a guy to go buy flowers and see them die and thrown out 2 days later? Well these are alive and beautiful.

I actually forgot about the conversations and flowers when a co-worker said a box came for me.  I opened it up and was in heaven when I found 12 amazing looking brownies.

They looked and felt like they were just taken from a bakery and wrapped in cellophane.  No question about it, I had to open one up that moment – don’t judge me just cause it was 10:30am.  I decided to rock out a chocolate fudge brownie. It was fantastic!

The quality received by 1-800-flowers for a baked item was shockingly above expectations! If your guy has a sweet tooth do yourself a favor and send him a box.

1800 Flowers provided us with products in order to do the review. All thoughts and opinions as always are our own!