If it were appropriate to go to the doctor to complain about the long extended winter we just had, or the depression it brings with it…then he certainly would’ve prescribed this past weekends activities to make the long winter blues disappear! This Memorial Day weekend had all the elements to make it a complete success….Sun, Warmth,Friends, BBQ’s, Boats and Beer!

The weathermen started off the weekend by calling for rain, but if you recall my last post I made sure to keep hoping and praying that they were wrong, (the odds were in my favor since they are always wrong) and by George it worked!! lol Rain or bad weather did not deter any activity the entire weekend! In fact…the weather was perfect!

Friday Started off with a little neighborhood Happy Hour . This is always a welcomed way to start any weekend. We then ended up going with a group of friends to a local bar which has an outdoor portion. It was a perfect night for it. I wasn’t planning on a late night..but being that I got home at 2 am that night I think somewhere down the line I forgot that I wanted to get a good nights sleep and the party just took over. It was worth it though, I had a blast.

Saturday the pool in our complex opened. It’s great to have a pool right across the street. Especially one you don’t have to care for yourself. I decided to go there to regroup from the previous night so I relaxed and read my book. Later that day, our friends were having a BBQ so we went there for the rest of the evening. It had all the elements of a great BBQ…Great food, lots of beverages and back yard games. They had Kan Jam(a Frisbee type game), Okies (a ring toss type game), and Beer Pong (a good old classic), all going on at the same time. Everyone was most certainly entertained.

After our rowdy Friday and Saturday’s, Sunday was a little more low key. That morning the forecast was calling for thunder storms all day, and we didn’t want to make plans just to have them ruined with rain. But low and behold the sun came out, and stayed out all day! Unfortunately we did make our decisions based on the weatherman…and we should be ashamed of that. Had we learned nothing? But the day was certainly not a complete waste. I enjoyed the early afternoon with our neighbor by sitting outside and chatting while my husband did his neighborly duties and set up her Tivo to her cable box (he’s great at doing electronic things), and later we went to yet another BBQ. We had a nice time but retired home early because we needed to get some rest…

Monday, Memorial Day was so much fun! Our friend was gracious enough to invite us on his boat! We got an early start and by the time we got all the necessities for a full day on the water, we set sail by around 10:30 am. We threw anchor down close enough to the beach that the men were able to disembark from the boat in order to throw around the Frisbee and football. Us girls (2 of us) relaxed in comfort and worked on our tans. That evening we came back to the neighborhood and BBQ’d. What a perfect end to a perfect weekend!

You won’t hear me say this often…so listen closely…Long Island knows how to do summer weather justice! So go ahead friends, let the  mocking begin and remind me that I said something good about Long Island..lol…but I’ll take it, because for now it has left me with some great memories!