One of my best friends is getting married today! She is very much like me and LOVES everything wedding, so I am so excited that tomorrow she gets to finally be a BRIDE!

“S” was my college freshman year roomate. We were thrown together by chance, and I could never have asked for a better person to be my roomate and friend. We went on to be pledge sisters in the same sorority, and I was blessed to have her as a bridesmaid in my wedding. Friends like her don’t come around often, and I was so happy when on a random New Years Eve both she and one of my husbands friends hit it off. The rest as they say is history and the two are getting married today!

As this is being posted I am probably in a chair in the hair salon getting wedding beautiful. I LOVE getting my hair and makeup done. Her colors are red and white and we are wearing beautiful red chiffon dresses with a white sash.

I am hoping the day makes all her wedding dreams come true! “S” and “V” I wish you both nothing but the best! I am so hapy to be a part of your day!