This years anniversary has snuck up on my a bit. I can’t believe it’s been 4 years since the two people in the above photo celebrated that most amazingly wonderful day. Our wedding day, June 14, 2008, was everything I could have imagined it to be, and the four years since have been completely fabulous. When I was a little girl, I imagined myself being married, and my marriage has lived up to everything I could’ve imagined.

I started this blog to document my life as a wife, and it has been an amazing way to to look back and remember my thoughts and feelings along the way. It’s fun to look back to my post about our first anniversary, and second anniversary. Not sure why I didn’t write about our third anniversary? I guess I was a bit preoccupied with a 6 month old!

This past year has brought us more joy than I could ever imagine. Watching Captain Awesome grow as a father has been so amazing. Together we are having a blast raising our son, and it’s comforting to know that as we do that

It’s funny to think back to who we were back in 2008. We have been so much since then, and have grown as a couple, individuals, and now as parents. June 14th 2008 was sooo extremely HOT! Who would’ve thought? My wedding day dreams came true that day, and my marriage dreams came true after that. My time was occupied by worrying about centerpieces and hair styles. I was so obsessed with wedding plans that when it was all over I fell into a bit of a depression…that is until we got used to our lives as a married couple (which if we are being honest was pretty much the same as before being married). It was just hard realizing that I would never again get to have a wedding, and never again get to go on a honeymoon.

I want to do my best to keep our anniversary special. I get sad when I see couples who have been married longer think of the day as any other. It’s not. It’s a day that is meant to be remembered as special. A day to remember that so many of my dreams began on that day. And it’s important in a marriage to revisit all the reasons that you got married in the first place.

This year The Captain and I will be celebrating by finally taking my Mother and Father in law up on their generous gift from last years anniversary of a Broadway show! (not sure why it took us so long!) We are seeing Evita! I can’t wait! We will be spending the evening together in NYC. I always love our date nights, and an anniversary date night is even more special.

I know men are different than woman, but I am always grateful that Captain Awesome takes the time each year to make this day special too. Every day I am thankful for him. He is my rock and my support. He is the most wonderful husband, friend, and father a girl could ask to have in her life. He makes all my dreams come true, and I take comfort in knowing he will be by my side for years to come.

Happy 4 years Captain Awesome! I love you!

As always…I love to post our wedding video because it makes me smile! Oh the memories!