First Year Reflection

/First Year Reflection

Breastfeeding: The End

For about 5 months I was the sole provider of nutrition for my son. For over a year I held my son close to me so he could nurse at least once a day. It’s a bond between my son and I that no other person can duplicate. Breastfeeding has been an experience like none […]

By | December 6th, 2011|breastfeeding, First Year Reflection|1 Comment

Happy 1st Birthday To My Little Man!

One year ago from today, on December first, at 3:23 PM, after 17 hours of labor, my son came into this world. For 9 months this little guy grew in my belly, and I couldn’t wait to meet him. And now, one year later, he is the most amazing little boy a mom could ask […]

By | November 30th, 2011|First Year Reflection|0 Comments

His Last First Holiday

Tomorrow marks the last first holiday in my little man’s first year of life. Wow….let me take a minute because it’s crazy to believe. Looking back to last year I can’t believe that 6 days after Thanksgiving my little guy was born. We still have so many more firsts to come, but Thanksgiving marks the […]

By | November 22nd, 2011|First Year Reflection, holidays|2 Comments