

Works For Me Wednesday: Weekly Meal Plans

  It’s Works for Me Wednesday over at We Are THAT Family and I am bringing to the table the idea of Meal Plans! Ok I know it’s not a novel idea, but it’s one that has really been working for me and I wanted to share it! The idea behind the meal plan is to […]

By | June 17th, 2009|family, food|3 Comments

We Get By With A Little Help From Our Friends

As you know I currently live in Long Island. While planning my wedding a friend of mine introduced me to the website Long Island Weddings. In short it is a forum type setting which allows brides to come together to share and ask questions about everything pertaining to a wedding. I must say that this […]

By | May 19th, 2009|family, marriage|2 Comments

Did You Say It?

Last week during Martooni Thursday’s, I watched the season finale of Grey’s Anatomy.  I have always been a loyal follower of the show, even when it strayed and lost some of its mojo. This season finale was sooo good! But I digress. This post is about the monologue that Meredith says at the end. She […]

By | May 18th, 2009|family|2 Comments

Mother’s Day Without Mom…

Happy Mother’s Day to all the Moms and Moms to be! How exciting to have a day all to yourself where your children (and hopefully husband) show their appreciation for all the work you do and the love you give them. This Mother’s Day I am feeling a bit sad and guilty that I am not […]

By | May 11th, 2009|family|2 Comments