Monthly Archives: November 2010


And The Other Shoe Drops…

Every time I go to my doctor appointments I am asked if I have any complaints. To this question I have always been lucky enough to respond…No! As lucky as I felt to be able to honestly say that I was feeling good, I also started to get nervous that something was bound to go […]

By | November 29th, 2010|3rd trimester, pregnancy|7 Comments

Giving Thanks

Yes, I know this post is rather late…sorry!! Better late than never! I actually wasn’t going to write a Thanksgiving post, but how could I not considering that I have to much to be thankful for this year. I feel so lucky to have an amazing husband, dog, home, and family…and most of all I […]

By | November 28th, 2010|holidays|1 Comment

Ridiculous Cravings…

When seeing pregnant women on TV, you see women wanting pickles and peanut butter, and making other ridiculous concoctions due to pregnancy cravings. Pregnancy really is the only time that you are allowed to ask your husband to leave the house in the cold at 11:00 at night to get you what you just HAVE […]

By | November 22nd, 2010|3rd trimester, pregnancy|2 Comments

Gingerbread Latte at Starbucks Already??

I started to write about post about how I couldn’t believe starbucks already had out gingerbread lattes, and then realized that I had already written that post! Almost 1 year ago today to be exact, so I figured I would just repost that one since my sentiments are the same! That being said I will […]

By | November 19th, 2010|random thoughts|6 Comments