Monthly Archives: July 2015


Maureen Failla Photography: Tessa at 9 Months

I have worked with a lot of photographers. I am lucky to have worked with some amazing ones, and I cherish all the photos I have of my kids. As a matter of fact they make me smile every day. To those of you who say hiring a photographer isn’t worth it I call shenanigans! […]

By | July 25th, 2015|Local Long Island, reviews|0 Comments

Activity Friends

My son likes to be busy. Every day at bedtime he says “What are we doing after this nappy?”. I’ll say something like “camp”…he will say how about after that…”lunch?” ….and after that? “I don’t know sweetie lets wait and see”. But because of this we always have something going on. It’s been Gymboree…soccer…swimming…OT…PT…Speech and […]

By | July 9th, 2015|mommy and me|0 Comments