Monthly Archives: August 2014


Rett Syndrome: A Heartbreaking Disorder

The other day a friend called me and told me a heartbreaking story of a little 3 year old daughter of one of her friends who was recently diagnosed with Rett Syndrome. I had not heard of this disorder, and as she began to explain to me what it was my heart broke. Every time […]

By | August 20th, 2014|charity|0 Comments

Emma Grace Photography: Capturing a Special Time with Maternity Pictures

Not everyone likes getting their picture taken, but to me, having professional family pictures taken regularly is something that I cherish. I suck at using my camera. I even had Captain Awesome buy me one of those DSLR good ones in hopes that the problem was my camera and not me….no such luck! So when […]

By | August 13th, 2014|reviews|0 Comments

A Letter to My Little Man During Our Last Days of Just Me and Him

Dear Little Man, Big changes are coming our way, and they are all amazing and good ones. I have a feeling that sometimes you won’t think that these changes are so great, but I promise you that someday you will love and be thankful for your baby sister. Soon she will be here in this […]

By | August 12th, 2014|Dear Christian|1 Comment