Monthly Archives: July 2011


Our Car Seat Decision: Britax Boulevard 70 CS

The time has finally come that my son no longer fits in his infant car seat. Even before his was born I worried about how I would carry that seat around, being that I am such a wuss, but somehow I did it. Now he has almost reached the maximum weight limit, and I was […]

By | July 22nd, 2011|Uncategorized|3 Comments

Infant Things

I find it amazing how quickly infant things become obsolete in your daily routine. Although most things are completely necessary, you have to admit that alot of them do make your day go a little smoother. But now as we are approaching the 8 month mark so many of those infant things are being put […]

By | July 20th, 2011|baby items|0 Comments

Being Mothered

Being a new mom I am well aware, that this job is going to last me the rest of my life. As a matter of fact being a wife is a similar job, because it is my job to think ahead for both my son and my husband. I will admit that always being on […]

By | July 18th, 2011|Uncategorized|4 Comments

Dear Christian: 7 Months Old

Dear Christian, Your getting so big little man! I sometimes find myself looking back on pictures and videos of your first few weeks and I can’t even believe how much you’ve grown and changed. Everyone has told me each month gets better and better and I find that to be totally true. Soon enough you […]

By | July 17th, 2011|Dear Christian|1 Comment

Traveling With A Baby

It’s not a new revelation that traveling with a baby is tough, but being that this is my first vacation with my son, I am quickly learning how hard it really is. I have visited my parents, but my mom has pretty much stocked their house with anything he could need. What I find the […]

By | July 12th, 2011|motherhood, travel|4 Comments