
I am not sure there are any words to describe how sad I am for all of those people out there we lost EVERYTHING to Hurricane Sandy. The word SAD sounds almost wrong, but it’s all I’ve got. So much has happened this past week, and if we are being honest none of it happened to me and I am thankful. Is that bad? I breathe a sigh of relief every day that my family is safe and warm and then I feel bad because I am not doing enough to help the others who aren’t in the same boat. If we forget for a moment those who’s homes were damaged beyond repair (thankfully none of my family or close friends), so many people in my life have spent a week with out power. Adults and children alike are freezing at night and there isn’t much I can do.

Sometimes I feel like we are in a little bubble. A bubble where everything is warm and safe and Sandy was just a little storm that brought us rain. As a matter of fact Captain Awesome said things like “that storm wasn’t that bad” immediately after it was over. That was before seeing what happened out there. Then you turn on the news and see it. The devastation out there. Heartbreaking.

In our little area of Long Island I think the biggest problem is power outages. A week later so many people are still with out power. We have power, so we are trying to house anyone who needs it. The problem? Our townhouse is rather small, and with a bunch of people in it it seems much smaller. But it’s what you do. It actually doesn’t even feel like enough! Not even close!

It’s amazing to see so many people band together to help, but it’s also amazing to see so many people give into the stress and harm others. Does there really need to be guns pulled out over gas? But there is no point to focus on that. There are real hero’s out there. I am in awe of those that left their families to put their lives in danger as first responders. They are definitely better people then I. Now after it’s over people are working night and day to help others in need and it warms my heart. I feel my efforts to help are so minimal and I sometimes feel embarrassed. Shouldn’t I be doing more?

Is it bad to say that I am thankful for our little bubble of warmth and safety here? With all that’s going on around me does it make me a bad person to to be thankful that it’s not me with out power? Or not me with damage to my home? I know how hard it is to raise a child on a normal day but to all those displaced into other homes and shelters I feel for you and your children. I can’t even imagine what you are going through.

So the word I want to use today is thankful. Maybe the word should be blessed because that’s how I feel. Oh so very blessed. So if there is anything I can do for you please let me know. I know it probably won’t be enough…