Anyone who cohabitates and shares their home with another knows how hard it can be to share your space. I am a true believer in living with someone BEFORE getting married. Why? Well, forget about sharing a bed…I think being able to share a bathroom is the secret to a happy marriage. It’s about knowing the other persons home life habits

I think the key is to learn to accept the other person. Take my home for example…each morning The Captain leaves both towels anywhere but back on the towel rack, and his dirty clothes crumpled in the sink. It used to bother me at first. As a matter of fact I used to keep a tally on a post it stuck to the bathroom mirror to show him how many times he didn’t put away his towel since he actually believed he hung it up. You’d think bringing light to the situation would make him change, but amazingly enough it didn’t. Over the years it has become my routine to go around and pick everything up in the morning. Doesn’t bother me anymore….that’s our dynamic.

Do you have one sink or two? Do you wipe down the sinks every day? Do you have to get ready for work at the same time? While she’s blow drying he’s brushing? How about when you have to pee? Do you do it in front of each other? (Not in this house! Bodily functions are kept private by me!) What is your bathroom dynamic?

One company that understands the importance of the bathroom in a marriage is Quilted Northern. That is why they are here to help a lucky reader with the never ending problem of….”WE’RE OUT OF TOILET PAPER!”

Quilted Northern is going to give one lucky reader a years supply of toilet paper! (about 90 rolls) in their Master Bathroom Prize pack! With that you get  a toilet paper rose and a Quilted Northern recyclable bag (funny story, when I got my prize pack I smelled the rose like it was real…I thought it was!). Who doesn’t need more toilet paper?? I know that I always wait till we are down to the last roll…now, there always will be more!

Funny story…when UPS delivered my prize pack the box holding the rose was a bit crushed so I opened the box in front of him. He saw it was a toilet paper rose…made a weird face and said “Maybe they wanted to thank you for your tremendous business” like I ordered that much toilet paper! I was rather embarrassed and felt I had to explain…but telling him it was a blog thing didn’t make it much better….but I digress….The giveaway will run until Tuesday October 4th. Ready to find out how to enter??

The giveaway will run until Tuesday October 4th.

Mandatory entry: Tell me about your master bathroom in one word!

Extra Entries

  1. Follow @afterthealter on Twitter. If you already do let me know you follow!
  2. Tweet about this giveaway and come back here and leave a comment with the link to the tweet
  3. Follow @QuiltedNorthern on Twitter.
  4. “Like” After The Alter on facebook (be sure to say hi on the page! I’d love to “meet” you!
  5. “Like” Quilted Northern on Facebook

Remember to leave a comment for each of these entries. I wish you lots of luck!

Disclosure: I’m a fan of Quilted Northern® bath tissue, and wanted to share this opportunity with my readers. This post is brought to you by Quilted Northern bath tissue. Please join the conversation at or on Twitter each week @QuiltedNorthern.