A Shout Out To My TTC Past: A Pre~Seed Giveaway!

When I started blogging I enjoyed sharing about my married life, but when I started to talk about, and share almost everything about my TTC journey, I really felt that this blog kept me sane. Even though I was sharing VERY personal thoughts with hundreds of readers, I felt like it was a safe place […]

By | September 11th, 2011|giveaways, TTC|31 Comments

We Have A Bean!

Before I go any further I just want to ask that anyone I know in real life please do NOT post anything on facebook regarding what you read in this post. I wanted to share with my readers because they have been on this long journey with me. Thank you! Well dear readers I have […]

By | April 26th, 2010|miscarriage, pregnancy, TTC|60 Comments

Remembering To Live

Captain Awesome and I decided a little less than a year ago that we wanted to start a family. With just that one little statement so many other things got set into motion. We had plans. But now, looking back, the words of my doctor now come back to haunt me “when people plan God laughs”. […]

By | March 23rd, 2010|About me, TTC|24 Comments

The Decision To Do Nothing

Thursday I had an appointment with my OB. I needed to have my 6 month check up anyway, and I figured it was a good opportunity to speak with my doctor about my inability to get pregnant, or I should say my frustration with not being pregnant yet. By blogging and being active in the TTC […]

By | March 18th, 2010|miscarriage, TTC|21 Comments