Sucker Punch to the Gut

I experienced a bit of a sucker punch today when I looked at the calendar and realized that January is almost over. This means that had I not had a miscarriage this past summer, I would be EXTREMELY close to my due date of February 13th. I can’t believe that it’s been almost 9 months […]

By | January 24th, 2010|About me, TTC|20 Comments

PSA: Never Say Relax..

This is a public service announcement for anyone and everyone that comes across a woman who is TTC. I figure it is my duty to publicly make this announcement, since when conversations on this topic arise in the real world, women are forced to just smile and bare it when someone tries to offer up […]

By | January 12th, 2010|About me, TTC|27 Comments

Babies OFF the Brain

 Well…another month down the drain…no July baby for us. As I sat and wallowed in self pity for a little while, a little light bulb went off in my head. This past month we tried almost everything we could to time it right…I took control of almost everything I could….counted days, used OPK’s, drank grapefruit […]

By | November 12th, 2009|About me, TTC|11 Comments