second trimester

/second trimester

Our Fetal Echo

In today’s world there is amazing technology to help you throughout your pregnancy. Sometimes I am left to wonder whether or not the technology just exists to give pregnant women anxiety. When everything is going as planned, my vote goes to the fact that it is helpful and gives you a piece of mind. Same […]

By | August 10th, 2010|pregnancy, second trimester|14 Comments

Registering: Round 1

Ding, Ding Ding! Round 1 of registering has begun. Jen and The Captain 1: Big chain store 0! wooo whoo! Ok, I think that’s a bit of a lie…the big store totally owned us. As much as I went in there with a game plan I still found everything overwhelming, but the good news is […]

By | July 30th, 2010|baby registry, pregnancy, second trimester|19 Comments

Baby Furniture???

Now that the sex has been determined, and we got the go ahead from the doctor, it’s time to start making all the big decisions that come along with getting ready for baby Pooh Bear. I am told that one part that could take the longest is ordering the furniture, so I figured that’s where […]

By | July 27th, 2010|nursery, pregnancy, second trimester|17 Comments