

Our First Lamaze Class

I am the type of person who likes to research things to death, and I tend to probably know too much on subjects that I’m better off ignorant. I learned a lot while Trying to Conceive, and I did the same through out this pregnancy. Now that we are coming to the end of the […]

By | October 28th, 2010|pregnancy|3 Comments

Separate Beds…

Our townhouse has 2 bedrooms. The first is obviously our master bedroom, and the second, up until now, has been used as a guest room. Wait…that’s not entirely true. Yes, it is a guest room, but the majority of the time that room is set aside as a wonderful place where either The Captain or […]

By | October 27th, 2010|marriage, pregnancy|20 Comments

I’m Thinking Stork

Thus far I have been very preoccupied with all things pregnancy. Makes sense right? I mean in the beginning I was terrified that this pregnancy wouldn’t actually be a success. Then I dreamed about finding out then gender. Then I was all about registering….and so forth. What I haven’t had much time to think about, […]

By | October 26th, 2010|pregnancy|14 Comments