

Things I Love Thursday: Netflix!

It’s Things I Love Thursday Over at The Diaper Diaries today, and today I want to talk about my love ofNetflix! I am not trying to brag, but I jumped on the Netflix* train back before Netflix was popular. I was working at my first job that I hated, and I spent a lot of […]

By | June 18th, 2009|home|8 Comments

Works For Me Wednesday: Chore Chart

As I have mentioned in previous posts, I unfortunatly do not have the “Clean Gene”. That’s not to say that I don’t like my home clean, or that I don’t wish for my home to be  clean…it just means that it takes a lot more effort for me to actually WANT to get off the couch […]

By | June 10th, 2009|home|7 Comments

Mr. Fix it!

I grew up in a household where if there was ever anything that needed to be fixed or put together, either my mom would do it, or for more complicated jobs, it would wait till my Grandpa came down for a visit. My parents were very lucky that he was so handy, and willing to […]

By | May 5th, 2009|home|5 Comments

Duvet Cover Rant

I have always loved down comforters. I am not sure where this love began, but I can remember being young and asking my parents to buy me the most expensive down comforter out there. I loved wrapping myself in the soft down. I even got a less expensive version when I went to college. But […]

By | May 4th, 2009|home|0 Comments

A Place For Everything…

“A place for everything, and everything in its place”…that’s the saying right? It makes perfect sense…you use it and then you put it away. Then why can’t I do it? Some women are just born cleaners. They can’t help themselves. If something looks at all untidy, then they clean it. Not me…it takes a lot […]

By | April 7th, 2009|home|4 Comments