

Almost 8 Hours

I  was going to title this post “light at the end of the tunnel”, but I thought that the title would leave others to think that I have been feeling unhappy for the last three months, when in fact that isn’t true. I have to admit that I have been enjoying the newborn stage, and […]

By | February 28th, 2011|baby|3 Comments

Little Man Clothes

When the baby was born The Captain and I were truly blessed in that so many family and friends showered us with many gifts of clothes. As a matter of fact, his wardrobe could almost be set for the entire first year if I wanted it to be. Yes, little girl clothes are adorable, but […]

By | February 23rd, 2011|baby|2 Comments

Independent Little Man

I will openly admit that I really have a good baby (although I will deny, deny, deny, when he gets older). I am certainly one lucky momma, and I count my blessings every day. I hope this continues! Our son really only cries when he is hungry…I guess that’s where he gets his Buddha belly….and […]

By | February 21st, 2011|baby|3 Comments

Into The Crib He Goes

When a baby is born you realize that there are so many milestones that he/she will reach. It’s amazing how many of those milestones are reached during the first year alone. You get excited when they happen, but once they do you realize how quickly time is going. I can’t believe how many firsts have […]

By | February 17th, 2011|baby, baby milestones|4 Comments

Enjoy Him

From the moment you tell people you are pregnant people tend to give you lots of advice whether you want it or not. Some of its useful, but most you are left smiling, saying thank you, and moving on. But through it all there has been one piece that I have done my best to […]

By | January 26th, 2011|baby, motherhood|6 Comments