

Dear Christian: 10 Years Old

Dear Christian, Your ten……TEN! I have been writing you these letters for over ten years and I can’t believe it. When you were a baby people would tell me “enjoy it because it goes fast”. I would smile and say I know, but you can’t know. A person could never imagine how quickly it all […]

By | January 7th, 2021|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Quarrantine: Day goodness knows but they extended school from home till end of the month….

Well here we are. Another week in Quarrantine and another week doing school at home. I keep looking back as the weeks have gone on and it get’s worse and worse. We started a little lax with our rules of distancing. We allowed playing with neighbors as long as it was around the house and […]

By | April 8th, 2020|Uncategorized|0 Comments