

Getting Back To The Chore Chart

  Man have I been a lazy bones recently! It’s the worst! People tell me to rest while I still can, and I think I am taking that advice way to literally. My house is a disaster, and I wish I could say that I was doing something so productive that I just don’t have […]

By | May 25th, 2010|home|15 Comments

Last Minute Hostess

My husband has 2 work Christmas parties every year. One is the management party in which I am invited to, and the second is for the entire office which I am not invited to. Last year the party occurred on a very snowy December day. My husband called me to tell me that people cancelled […]

By | December 17th, 2009|captain awesome, holidays, home, marriage, Parties|3 Comments

Great Neighbors Help To Make A Happy Home

Growing up I lived in the most wonderful neighborhood. There were kids to play with in all age ranges, and the adults all seemed to be friends. When the weather was good my family would go outside and gather on our driveway. Within a short period of time a bunch of our neighbors would come and […]

By | September 25th, 2009|About me, home|5 Comments

The Art Of The Hostess Gift

I watch a lot of TV shows and on those shows people are always bringing some nice gift when they go to a party. The Oprah Winfrey show has many shows in which you are told about things she loves, and items she likes to give as a gift to others. Some of her shows […]

By | September 14th, 2009|About me, home, Parties|2 Comments

Works For Me Wednesday: Seasonal Bins

Growing up my house always had decorations up for the seasons. My mom always made a point of it. She has wreaths and flower arrangements and all sorts of decorations for each holiday/season. My favorite season of course is Christmas. Growing up we had bins and bins of holiday decorations. Each year the family would […]

By | August 26th, 2009|home|5 Comments