

How Am I Already Late For Christmas Activities???

I am a Christmas girl through and through. I take pride in the fact that I am comfortable buying Christmas presents any time I see a deal, and even more so I am pleased to say I refrain from sharing my Christmas spirit with others till after Thanksgiving (none of this November business for me!). […]

By | August 8th, 2013|holidays|3 Comments


Christos Aneste! Christ is risen! Also meaning…Happy Easter! That is if you follow a different calendar than much of the Christian world like the Greeks! Many you have already celebrated Easter, and we did too. We did the Easter bunny thing, but last Sunday we celebrated again. My son will get TWO Easter’s from now on. Kind […]

By | May 7th, 2013|holidays|0 Comments

My Christmas Vacation

Happy Holiday’s everyone! I hope no matter what you celebrated that you had an amazing time. Here in my household we celebrate Christmas. And when I say celebrate Christmas I mean we seriously enjoy the holiday. No joke. I have so much on my plate these days, but I was so happy to take a […]

By | December 28th, 2012|holidays|0 Comments

Let The Christmas Festivities Begin!

Hip Hip Hooray!! Christmas is almost here! I honestly can’t believe it’s Christmas already. The year went by way too fast. Wasn’t it just Halloween? I have had so much on my plate these days that I have to admit I can barely wrap my head around the fact that it’s Christmas, but for the […]

By | December 23rd, 2012|holidays|0 Comments

The Christmas Magic Has Returned

Although my life has been in absolute chaos these last few months I knew that no matter what the holiday season had to be made special for my little man. At two years old it’s not like he knows much about traditions or even what he should hope the holiday to be, but being a […]

By | December 19th, 2012|holidays|2 Comments