Monthly Archives: March 2013


The Mommy Diaries: When The Day Is No Longer Yours

I can’t pinpoint an exact day, week or month, but at some point during these last two years I have completely lost the right to own any part of my day. It happened so slowly that I hadn’t really thought about it till now. Is it something that just happens to moms or is it […]

By | March 27th, 2013|The Mommy Diaries|2 Comments

Local Long Island: Easter Egg Hunts 2013

With Easter coming so early this year I sometimes forget that it’s less than 2 weeks away…but it is. That means I have so much to do before it gets here. Easter outfit…check! Easter gifts…Check! And that’s about it. One event that always makes me think of Easter is a good ol’ Easter Egg hunt. […]

By | March 19th, 2013|Local Long Island|0 Comments