Monthly Archives: January 2013


Doing The Polka In Heaven

Last week an amazing and wonderful woman was taken from this earth. I won’t say that she was taken too soon, because she was 91 and we were lucky to have her in our lives that long, but I will say that she will be forever missed. I know I am biased but I don’t […]

By | January 20th, 2013|family|1 Comment

House Hunting: We Bought A HOUSE!

We did it! The day was finally here that we would buy our house! It honestly doesn’t feel real. The big reason being that we still don’t actually LIVE in the house, but the bottom line is that we own in! It’s all ours for as many years as we want to keep it! We […]

By | January 20th, 2013|house hunting|1 Comment

He’s Been A Pleasure

I won’t lie…the few months prior to my sons 2nd birthday were a challenge. I love him to death but he decided to test me and test me big time. Everything was a battle…his sleep patterns were sporadic (having a lot to do with choosing to jump out of his crib and into a toddler […]

By | January 16th, 2013|motherhood|0 Comments

Moving With a Child

Moving isn’t easy. It is hard and it sucks. Big time! Then tack on having a kid and it just get’s ten times harder. People that do it with multiple young children?? God bless you! There is so much involved in coordination and planning makes it difficult to keep your kid on a schedule that […]

By | January 13th, 2013|motherhood|0 Comments

Moving Day

I am writing this on the night before we move. Tonight I sat and rocked my son before bed in the only room he’s ever known. I remember decorating the room waiting for his arrival. Captain Awesome painted and put the pretty vinyl tree on the wall. And now, all of his things are going […]

By | January 6th, 2013|house hunting|2 Comments