Monthly Archives: December 2012


2012: A Year In Review

With 2012 coming to an end tonight I thought I’d take a moment to reflect on some great blog moments of the year. As I reflect I wanted to take posts that represented my year. The good, the bad and the ugly. So here they are…these are the ones that I think sum up my […]

By | December 31st, 2012|blogging|0 Comments

‘Tis the Time to Shop

You likely tired yourself out with all of the shopping you had to do for others in preparation for the holidays.  Many others feel the same way and think that now is the time to take a break from shopping, but it is actually the best time to shop, if you want to find a […]

By | December 29th, 2012|fashion|0 Comments

My Christmas Vacation

Happy Holiday’s everyone! I hope no matter what you celebrated that you had an amazing time. Here in my household we celebrate Christmas. And when I say celebrate Christmas I mean we seriously enjoy the holiday. No joke. I have so much on my plate these days, but I was so happy to take a […]

By | December 28th, 2012|holidays|0 Comments

Let The Christmas Festivities Begin!

Hip Hip Hooray!! Christmas is almost here! I honestly can’t believe it’s Christmas already. The year went by way too fast. Wasn’t it just Halloween? I have had so much on my plate these days that I have to admit I can barely wrap my head around the fact that it’s Christmas, but for the […]

By | December 23rd, 2012|holidays|0 Comments