Monthly Archives: July 2011


Beach Livin

  I have always loved the ocean. I grew up taking family vacations at the beach, and to this day my family spends a week at the beach each year. I have to say I love almost everything about my beach vacations, and this year it’s gotten even better. This year I get to share […]

By | July 11th, 2011|travel|0 Comments

Never Say Never

I am not proud to admit it, but since we are all friends here I feel that I can share. Here goes….I am one of those people who has always judged other people’s choices, and I was/am one of those people who tend to judge other mothers. It’s not right, and no matter how hard […]

By | July 6th, 2011|Uncategorized|8 Comments

3 Lab: Innovative Anti Aging products

I am not officially 31 (Ouch!). That means that I have fully entered into my 30’s and it’s time to really start taking care of my skin. Thus far I haven’t committed to any brand of “anti aging” products, and I can say I have tried a bunch. The newest brand I’m trying? 3LAB. 3LAB […]

By | July 2nd, 2011|beauty, reviews|0 Comments